Idle Champions Slots

  • The various Gear in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. 1 Description 2 Effect Of Gear 3 Gold and Shiny Promotional and Purchased Items 3.1 Aila - Greengrass 3.2 Arkhan - Core 3.3 Artemis - Wintershield 3.4 Asharra - Core 3.5 Avren - Liars' Night 3.6 Azaka - Evergreen 3.7 Barrowin.
  • Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a free to play idle clicker game. The game requires a year round commitment to complete due to seasonal events and no time fast forwarding mechanisms. Trophies can be accelerated with micro-transactions.
Sep 14, 2017

To become full Epic on core champions, you will need, at maximum bad luck, 10 times more chests than the amount of missing Epic items. To fully gear up an event champion (make it full epic) you will need to get at most 54 champion specific event Golden Chests, 3 of which you will get from event adventure variants, 1 more can be obtained from. In Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms players have a small layout of slots that the characters can be placed in. This is the groups formation. The formation has effects on the characters based upon their skills. For example some characters will increase the attack of all other characters in the same column or in an adjacent column. The Speaker of Caer-Konig tells us everything the Idle Champions are bound to fight during their visit to Icewind Dale while Erin and Treavor discuss T-Rex mittens. Episode 4: A Feast Fit for Penelope; B. Dave and Erin talk about the lore behind the Feast of the Moon event in Idle Champions - as well as the newest Champion Penelope “Half-Pint”.

Idle Champions Slot 7

Fastest way to earn gold / divine favor.


The best method (for me) to increase the gold found /divine favor is to run till you get stuck and start a new run.
Idle Champions SlotsAt the moment this happens to me around level 105-110 (120+ can be done only with potions). At the moment as i write this guide, i have 2,39E06% gold found bonus.
I tested many ways. Farm at highest level are better then offline, but new runs are more effective.When the run starts to be finished - open all silver chests you got in this run. If you got 500 gems buy a gold chest and open it too. After that restart.
The advantage of this method is also to get gems/chests during farming.
1 silver chest at the end of farmrun gives me with 1 gold card 50% gold from whole farmrun.

Level Your Hero List

In the following you see a list how i level my heroes. The focus is at +100% to all followed by dmg dealer Minsc, Tyril.
Try to hold Jarlaxe is as long as you can because aof his 30% gold found bonus (at 125/175/275)Do not spend your coins to other heroes, simple focus on the next hero at this list. And you will get mostly 1 hit dmg to the enemy.
  • Brunor 150: Special: Battle Master
  • Celeste 10: +100% all
  • Celeste 35: +100% all
  • Nayeli 10: +100% all
  • Celeste 90: +100% all
  • Celeste 100: Special War Domain
  • Nayeli 55: +200
  • Calliope 12: +100% all
  • Calliope 24: (buffs front)
  • Asharra 10: Special: Bonus Human
  • Calliope 60: +100% all
  • Brunor 250: +100% all
  • Minsc: unlock
  • Jarlaxle 125: +10% gold found bonus
  • Calliope: Special: College of Valor
  • Calliope 100: +200% all
  • Nayeli 100: Special: Venegeana
  • Celeste 205: just dmg
  • Minsc 20: just dmg
  • Jarlaxle 175: +10% gold found bonus
  • Nayeli 145: +100% all
  • Minsc 40: +100% all
  • Minsc 50: Special: vs. beast
  • Brunor 400: +100% all
  • Celeste 280: +100% all
  • Minsc: 75: (only buffs Minsc)
  • Calliope 240: +100% all
  • Nayeli 190: +100% all
  • Makos 10: (only +100% Makos)
  • Tyril: unlock (only if you need damage at this time)
  • Jarlaxle 175: +10% gold found bonus
  • Makos 15: Special: Dark Blessing
  • Brunor 475: +100% all
  • Minsc 100 (+500% Minsc only)
  • Nayeli 225: +100% all
  • Tyril 20: +100% all (only if you need damage at this time) other ways level here Jaraxla to 175 => +20 gold found)
  • Calliope 310: +100% all
  • Celeste 365: +100% all
  • Tyril 75: Special: Moonbeam (only if you need damage at this time) other ways level here Jaraxla to 275 => +30 gold found)
  • Jamilah: unlock (only if you need damage at this time)
  • Tyril 150: +100% all (only if you need damage at this time)
  • Minsc 150: (only buffs Minsc) - but hes main dmg dealer
  • Asharra 140: increase Bond humans
  • Minsc 175: increase beast ability
  • Jamilah 25: nothing happens xD only dmg inc (only if you need damage at this time)
  • Makos 40: inc. dmg Makos
  • Minsc 200: increase maindmg dealer
  • Makos 45: inc. Special: Blessing
  • Jamilah 35: inc. base dmg jamilah +250% (only if you need damage at this time)

Hold Jaraxla as long you do 1 hit kills and increase his gold found bonus. If you miss damage use Tyril and Jamilah.
Mostly i am stuck at this point - sometime i can run a bit more - if i open a chest.This run tooks me around 60-90 minutes (depends how long i am afk at other games xD).
When you are stuck - open your chests - maybe you are able to buy some levels as following

Idle Champions Slot 8

  • Celeste 455: +100% all
  • Brunor 800: +100% all
  • Tyril 250: +100% all
  • Calliope 475: +100% all

Happy Farming!
Recommended for You:
  • All Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Guides!

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Answer would depend on your targets. For simple comparison:
  • Silver chests
    • You get more gear pieces per gems spent - at least 10 vs max 3 from golden chest per 500gems.
      This means, that as long as you don't have just any item in every available slot - choose silver chests.
    • You get approximately 50% item levels per gem spent.
    • You will always get some gold from those chests, which you might use to upgrade your champions a bit and push further.
      With this knowledge, you should keep them in your inventory till the point, when you're unable to push further and use them to progress a bit, which would result in more favor gained.
    • Overal higher chance to get shiny item per gem spent. While actual probability to win shiny item from any chest is the same (around 0.1%), with silver chests you're testing your luck 10 times vs single chance in golden chest per 500 gems. Remember though, that 10 chests won't give you 1% chance, just like 1000 chests won't give you 100% shiny. It's just more dice rolls and natural 20 is still far more probable.
  • Golden chests
    • Only source of Epic equipment. This means that if you are targetting to get 'full purple', you have to focus on golden chests.
    • You have 100% chance of getting at least Rare item. This is a huge boost over either Common and Uncommon, so after you get every slot geared with either of those from silver chests, your best bet is to open those, to get both Rare and Epic equipment in process.
    • Only source of Epic (Huge/Large) consumables, i.e. contracts and potions. If you want to maximize buff you're getting from using potions, you will need items of every kind of rarity.
    • Only source of bounty contracts. Not just Epic, only source for any kind of bounty contract. While both bounty contracts and silver chests drop gold, only contracts drop event tokens during events.
Some statistical info, quoted from steam store product page:
  • Chance of a Rare equipment card in a Silver Chest is approximately 3.2%.
  • Chance of a Rare equipment card in a Gold Chest is 100%.
    Chance of an Epic equipment card in a Gold Chest is approximately 12%.
    To mitigate bad luck, a system exists to guarantee at least one Epic equipment card within every 10 Gold Chests.
  • Chance of a Shiny equipment card in a Silver or Gold Chest is approximately 0.1% per chest.
To sum it up, if you are focusing on getting gear only (leaving gold and consumables behind), first you should focus on silver chests to get an item for every slot (any rarity). Then, switch to golden chests to get at least full Rare (obviously with some Epics). When that is done, slow grind starts, as if you're unlucky, you will need 10 chests for single Epic item, so you can either keep going for golden chests until you will see only purple equipment slots or go 50:50, or whatever rings your bell. There is no simple answer what you should do at this point mainly because you get more than just equipment from those chests.
After you get to full Epic status - go for silver chests only (remember, that's if you only care about equipment levels on core champs). Both kinds of chests offer you Blacksmith Contracts as well, to help you increase item levels further, but there is not much of a difference in how many levels you will get through contracts from either kind of chest. Value of contracts gained per gem spent should be about the same.